
I am a lawyer and a PhD student in Political Science at UC Berkeley, living in San Francisco. My dissertation is on the political economy of housing in California and how to build the state and local politics to support and Abundance Agenda. I am interested in housing, business and politics, political economy, democracy and election law, social science methods, and corporate law and governance.

Contact Info

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Current Research Projects


Academic Organizing and Advising


Technical Experience

Curriculum Vitae

  • Publications:

    • Shah, Sarang, The Transformation of Debt: The Paper State and Paper Economy in Early America (Draft, October 13, 2020). Available at SSRN: Supervised by Christopher Tomlins.

    • Shah, Sarang. “LPE Society at Berkeley Law,” The Law and Political Economy Blog, Nov. 5, 2019,

    • Shah, Sarang. Building dynamic documentation based on installed services. US 10509647 B1, United States Patent and Trademark Office, 17 Dec 2019;

    • As Data Editor at MapLight

      • Research editor with Iowa Pays the Price. Archived site, key findings,

      • Shah, Sarang. “Top 5 Homeland Security Contractors Spend $107M Lobbying Congress and Federal Agencies, Receive $9B in Contracts Sarang Shah,” MapLight, Feb. 27, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “2016 Presidential Candidates Raise Millions from Key States Sarang Shah,” MapLight, Jul. 17, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “Los Angeles and Silicon Valley Among Top Zip Codes Contributing to Federal Candidates,” MapLight, Jul. 28, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “What’s the Cost of a Seat in the California State Legislature?,” MapLight, May 5, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “Labor and Business Square Off in CA Special Senate Election,” MapLight, May 17, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “Companies with Stake in Net Neutrality Debate Have Financial Ties to Subcommittee Members Overseeing FCC,” MapLight, Feb. 25, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “Defense Contractors Dominate List of Top 10 PAC Contributors in 2015,” MapLight, Jun. 11, 2015,

      • Shah, Sarang. “Report: New Tool Reveals $80M in Independent Expenditures Spent in California’s 2014 Election,” MapLight, Sep. 28, 2015,

    • Bangham, George, and Sarang Shah. 2012. “The National Security Council and the Prime Minister.” Cambridge: The Wilberforce Society (March): 1-12. Supervised by Lord Wilson and Sir Christopher Andrew.

    • S. Shah, Moduli space of SU(2) singular monopole, M.Sc. thesis, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (2011). Supervised by Sergey Cherkis.

    • Hövel, P., Shah, S. A., Dahlem, M. A. & Schöll, E. "Feedback-dependent control of stochastic synchronization in coupled neural systems," From Physics to Control Through an Emergent View, eds. Fortuna, L., Fradkov, A. L. & Frasca, M. (World Scientific, Singapore), pp. 35-44 (2010). Supervised by Philip Hövel, Eckhard Schöll, and Markus Dahlem.

  • Panels and presentations

Personal background

I am a first-generation American of Indian descent. I am also a first-generation college graduate/professional/ academic/lawyer.

I have lived in Berkeley, Oakland, Atlanta, Berlin, Dublin, Cambridge, London, and Washington DC, and grew up between Kennesaw and Acworth in Cobb County, Georgia. When I can get away from my desk, I enjoy eating and cooking, watching movies and plays, reading history books and detective novels, running and cycling, and frequenting art openings with my spouse Hannah Skoonberg.